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One of the most fundamental requirements of any medical coder is a substantial understanding of medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology.No matter where you work, a physician's office, a hospital, or for a payer you will perform better at your job when you have a deeper understanding of the human body and medical terms.
The AAPC has an anatomy course available to memebers but it costs a substantial sum of money, even after the member discount. It's reasonable to assume that this course is the gold standard and is required but here at MCCP we belive that frugality is a virtue.
Dr. James Ross' Online Human Anatomy Course is a fraction of the cost of the AAPC's and it covers all your bases and should exceed your expectations.
At such a reasonable price it would be entirely odd to not at least take a look at it...
...of course many people do not need this primer course. Those who are already experienced or knowledgeable in anatomy and medical terminology should simply study and take a CPC practice exam, and then go pass the test.
Click here to learn more about Dr. Ross' Human Anatomy Course.
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Make sure to take a CPC certification practice exam before taking the real test. Practice tests will help you pass on your first try.
Click here to see the practice exams or to view the additional CPC exam study guides click here.
Click here for information on getting medical coding training, degrees, and/or certificates.
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