
The Main Differences Between The CPC Exam And The CPC-H Exam

If you are looking into taking either the CPC exam or the CPC-H exam, chances are that you have chosen to seek certification from the AAPC (American Academy of Professional Coders) for a reason. Becoming a certified professional coder through the AAPC puts you at a significant advantage, as the organization reports a 20% higher earning potential than those without certification.

Employers are also more likely to opt for a certified coder because the AAPC has a standing reputation of turning out efficient and effective workers. But you probably know this, so let’s address something a little less obvious: the CPC exam versus the CPC-H exam.

Both exams contain 150 multiple choice questions, for which you have 5 hours and 40 minutes to complete. Both exams are open book and give you a single chance to re-take the exam for free. (Even though you can re-take it, study thoroughly the first time to avoid having to sit for another five hours!) AAPC students can take either exam at a $40 discount, paying $260 instead of $300.

Both exams test knowledge in procedural terminology and medical equipment in addition to the standard background in anatomy and physiology. However, the CPC exam prepares the taker for work in a physician’s office, where as the CPC-H exam prepares the taker for work in hospital groups.

According to the AAPC, the following are content areas found on the CPC exam:

  • Anesthesia, Radiology, Medicine, Nervous, Endocrine, Digestive, Urinary, Musculoskeletal, Evaluation and Management, Anatomy and Physiology, Mediastinum & Diaphragm, Practice Management, Male/Female Genital, Hemic & Lymphatic, Maternity & Delivery, Eye & Ocular Adnexa, Pathology, Integumentary, Respiratory, Laboratory

The following are content areas found on the CPC-H exam:

  • Medical Terminology, Anatomy, Coding Guidelines, Payment Methodologies, Surgery and Modifiers, Code Assignment ICD-9-CM Vols 1 & 2, Compliance

Need help deciding which exam to take. This post outlines the differences between the CPC and CPC-H credential.