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The Certified Professional Coder or CPC license is the main paradigm for health coding in the settings of physician office and usually held over 60,000 specialists for health coding. CPCs are extremely critical to profitable medical trainings and compliant that typically earns 20% over non-certified coders. This CPC also increases your opportunity of being employed and be retained in this competitive work market.The Certified Professional Coder certainly proven by experience and precise examination. The main purpose of this is to identify if they really identify how to understand a medical diagram and consign the accurate diagnosis (ICD-9), supply (HCPCS Level II) policy, procedure (CPT) and deeply know the clinical services and cases.
Membership fee is $120.00. Completion of the application and paying this annual fee should be achieved.
Then to sit for this CPC examination, the AAPC members are required to submit an application form and pay $300.00 or when you are a student, $260.00 for this exam fee.
Again, before applying for the CPC examination, you have to register to become the member of AAPC. Membership can also cost $100 and with exam rate of $300. Every applicant should also apply 6-8 weeks before the desired date of your desired schedule of exam. If you were not able to pass the exam on the first try, they allow you to have another free re-take of exam.
Upon passing the Certified Professional Coder examination, every examinee will be honoured with the Certified Professional Coding license. This license must then be maintained by an annual membership and the accretion of 18 CEUs every year.
You do make more money as a certified medical coder so it's worth the cost. See this post for more on how much medical coders make.
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Make sure to take a CPC certification practice exam before taking the real test. Practice tests will help you pass on your first try.
Click here to see the practice exams or to view the additional CPC exam study guides click here.
Click here for information on getting medical coding training, degrees, and/or certificates.
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