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The American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) is one particular organization known for its diverse and effective online tools, one of which is a CPC certification study guide.
A common question Internet users ask is “In regard to exam prep, is the CPC certification study guide necessary?” Much of the time, when people ask if something is necessary, they mean to ask if they can accomplish their objective without it.
Is it possible to pass the CPC exam without the certification study guide? Yes. But is it recommended? Not at all.
Sure, organizations might recommend programs or materials in order to fool people into spending money on things they do not need, but this is not the case here. The CPC exam is the gateway to a successful and stable career in medical coding, and the certification study guide is a critical tool to help a test taker greatly improve chances of passing the exam.
The AAPC highly recommends acquiring the study guide because it blends content knowledge with test taking techniques, making the test taker more likely to pass. If the test taker’s priority is maximizing the chance of passing the CPC exam, then the certification study guide is absolutely necessary. Here’s why:
- A background in medicine and/or coding does not guarantee you will ace the content. The CPC exam draws on areas of medical coding, so general and undisciplined knowledge will do a test taker no good.
- The exam itself has a specific set of requirements, and the study guide acclimates the test taker to these requirements.
- Utilizing the certification study guide will get you “in the zone.” The exam is five hours and forty minutes to answer 150 multiple choice questions, so the more prepared you are for that sort of endurance critical thinking, the better off you will be.
In addition to using a study guide, practice tests are extremely useful in gearing up for the actual test. Some of the smartest and most experienced people out there are bad test takers and practice exams help with this. Additionally building up your medical terminology and anatomy vocabulary can help a ton. See this post on prerequisites for more on building a foundation in medical anatomy.
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Make sure to take a CPC certification practice exam before taking the real test. Practice tests will help you pass on your first try.
Click here to see the practice exams or to view the additional CPC exam study guides click here.
Click here for information on getting medical coding training, degrees, and/or certificates.
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