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Here are recommended steps in preparing for the CPC exam:
- Set study expectations. First, you have to define for yourself what the “best way” to prepare means. Are you looking for the preparation strategy that maximizes your chances of passing or the one that is the quickest? Without a thorough background in medical coding, you cannot reasonably expect the quickest method.
- Use a study guide. Because medical coding is such a popular industry, the AAPC (American Academy of Professional Coders) and many third party vendors offer a variety of official CPC study materials. Like with any other test, a CPC study guide will familiarize you with the level of content the test will require you to know. MCCP has a list of CPC exam study guides here in various price ranges.
- Take advantage of practice exams. Practice exams are strongly recommended by the AAPC itself for everyone – regardless of their medical coding background. Even if you are fluent in medical jargon and human anatomy, being unfamiliar with the nature of the questions and the time crunch of the real test can run you into the ground. Click here for a short list of recommended practice exams.
- Diversify your strategies. Generally speaking, the “best” way to prepare for the CPC exam is a multi-pronged approach: taking coursework to strengthen your content knowledge, using study guides to gauge the content requirements, and taking official CPC practice exams to learn the exam’s format.
While medical coding is a highly specialized field, it is important to treat the CPC exam like any other content-based test. Take time to develop a background in the subject, find out how much of the subject you need to know for the test, and familiarize yourself with the exam itself.
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Make sure to take a CPC certification practice exam before taking the real test. Practice tests will help you pass on your first try.
Click here to see the practice exams or to view the additional CPC exam study guides click here.
Click here for information on getting medical coding training, degrees, and/or certificates.
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